Page 94 - Paladin Healthcare Catalog
P. 94

Optimize your

                                 Patient Care Environment


         The day after open house,
         medical facilities are
         besieged with clinical
         operations realities.
         Often times the critical
         management tools were
         “Value Engineered” out of
         the project, leaving the
         staff to work around and
         “deal with” what’s in
         place. They have no means
         to define and manage the
         space and equipment they


                                             Utilizing the “Evolution”                 Create user defined space
                                             Medical Equipment                          now and for decades of
                                             Management Rail System                     changes to come
                                             empowers the Clinical Staff to            Attach and move clinical
                                             easily adapt and make changes              tools including monitors
                                             to items normally fixed in place.          and computer equipment
                                             They can create and define an              without damage to the
                                             optimum working environment                walls
                                             without additional
                                             construction.                             Multiply and change
                                                                                        locations of medical

                                             Furthermore, a neat, organized             gasses
                                             environment creates a positive            Support LEAN initiatives
                                             impression on the patient’s and            and manage inventory
                                             family’s perception of care.               control
                                                                                       Clear floor space at the
                                             Optimized patient care is a win-           bedside with IV pole
                                             win-win for user teams, patients,          management
                                             and administration.

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