Page 97 - Paladin Healthcare Catalog
P. 97

Handwashing, HAI’s

                                     and Reimbursement


        How can we ensure that
        we design and build the
        best possible solution for
        our clinical team partners?

        Is this the best we can do?

        Or this?
                                             Place all hand washing compliance
                                             and infection control accessories on
                                             the rail.

                                             Studied and published by the Center
                                             for Health Design in 2012: the
                                             evidence-based recommendation is
                                             to create a standard directional flow
                                             with easy access to sink and hand
                                             washing accessories at the room
                                             entry by “...placing the hand
                                             washing accessories on an
                                             equipment rail allows adjustment in
                                             the system without creating damage
                                             to the wall and potential home for

        Of course not!                       pathogens.”
        Yet it’s the standard of

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