Page 96 - Paladin Healthcare Catalog
P. 96

Lean Process Improvement

                      and Lower Par Level Inventory Costs

         Digging for supplies with
         gloved hands breeds
         issues of:
          Cross-contamination
          Hospital Acquired
          Wasted time

         Inventory systems are
         plagued by “First-In, Last-
         Out” syndrome.  Unused
         materials become expired
         or cannot be restocked
         into Clean Supply creating
         wasted inventory costs.

                                             Implementing the “Evolution”              Clips, Hooks, Bins, and
                                             Medical Equipment Management                Baskets of varying sizes
                                             Rail and Accessories System                 and multi-use purposes
                                             improves cost and work-flow               Clear bins for quick
                                             efficiencies and infection control.         visual identification of
                                             It reduces the risks of cross-              stock for supplies
                                             contamination, the acquisition of
                                             HAI’s, the wasted expense of              Embedded anti-
                                             expired and unused materials, and           microbial agents in all
                                             wasted time.                                plastic adapters and
                                                                                         powder coat painted
                                             LEAN supply inventory management            finish
                                             at the bedside provides clinicians        Snap-on, snap-off
                                             with:                                       features for easy
                                             WHAT THEY NEED                              relocation and
                                             WHEN THEY NEED IT                           reorganization of
                                             WHERE THEY NEED IT                          supplies
                                             IN QUANTITIES THEY NEED
                                             Permanently reduce waste from             Flexible, Adaptable,
                                             over purchasing and from items              Expandable for
                                             that cannot be restocked into Clean         additional organizational
                                             Supply.                                     accessories as needed

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